Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welcome to Wyoming!

The girls and I decided to go up to Wyoming to see Bill's parents in Cheyenne. Wyoming knows that I left because I am no longer a Winter person! However, Wyoming decided to teach me a lesson. So...when we crossed the state line from Nebraska into Wyoming....sleet started, which shortly turned into snow. In the next 48 hours, there was 12-18" of snow, depending on where you measured. We stayed with my good friend Cheryl, who loaned us alot of winter gear. We had had brought coats but not much else. The temperature dropped to 16 degrees at one point. All this in early October. we didn't get to visit as much with Grandma and Grandpa as we had hoped. But the girls have now experienced serious winter. After a couple days snowbound, "Blanche"my Southern Belle car (rear-wheel drive Mercury Marquis) managed to creep down the driveway and took us home to rainy Oklahoma! A great adventure!

Friday, September 18, 2009

When in Doubt Visit the Canyon

One of my brothers lives in Flagstaff, Arizona. Lucky him, lucky me! I get to visit once in awhile, and I don't leave before I've made my trek to The Grand Canyon, which is about 70 miles away. The kids and I decided a trip out there with my folks was just the ticket for post-deployment doldrums. If you've never been...well...I am sure you have been told before that you simply must go. I have been fortunate to do a fair amount of traveling on this beautiful Earth God made for us. And it is my humble opinion that Grand Canyon is the world's largest cathedral.
It is life changing to see it.
It never gets old, or boring.
There is no "off season" for the beauty there.
All ten of us made the trip up, and four of us hiked about 2 miles down Bright Angel trail, one of the more commonly used trails, with plenty of beautiful views. I have never gone all the way to the bottom, which takes time, and a serious committment to preparation. My brother Ben and I are planning to try for such a trip next year. A special treat this time was getting to observe wild mountain sheep at close range. Four grazed near the trail as we hiked back up. As we watched them, Ben turned back in time to see another vault from the highside of the trail, over the footpath, and down to the slopeside, where his friends were.

Please see the Canyon. You will never regret it.


I have not posted in awhile, things have been so busy...first the preparations for Bill's deployment, the long goodbye at his unit in Texas. Then the readjustment period we go through trying to become a family of four instead of five. He arrived safely, and is adjusting to his new job as a Civil Engineer manager over numerous projects on the Base. He is enduring sandstorms and heat, while we are in our 7th day of rainy weather. Two extremes, that somehow pattern how our life feels now.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Walk for Now

Bill and I took a last "lake walk" before he leaves for Iraq. The girls decided to fulfill a long held dream of riding the horses in the lake. I was doubtful the horses would share the enthusiasm, but I was wrong. They seemed to enjoy it, and would even put their muzzles under water and snuffle around.

The only downside of wet horses in the hot summer is that they attract nasty, huge, horseflies on the way home.
Why did God make horseflies? One of those questions I will ask him someday.

The frogs that eat them will no doubt have a different questions!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


My husband's upcoming deployment would be so much harder without our neighbors. We don't see each other alot, wave hello when our cars pass, mostly. My nearest relatives are 80 miles away, so it is a blessing to know there is someone nearby to help when we get in a jam. To paraphrase Dave Ramsey, when the deployment starts, Murphy (of the notorious Law) moves in!

Today after feeding the goats, I noticed that my neighbor's longhorn cattle were lounging near our shared fenceline. Longhorns are fascinating animals, an older breed that is not a hothouse flower. They do not need pampering. I took the opportunity to get close to them for a few photos. One of the calves was curious, as was one of my Great Pyrenees livestock dogs. They shared a "tete~a~tete" through the wire.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Needing Peace

Today is the beginning of another chapter. After work today, my better half heads off to Texas for his last drill with the Reserves this weekend, before his active duty and 4th deployment begins Monday. A month down there preparing, and then a long plane ride to Iraq. So the waiting begins. We do hope he can come home for some weekends in August, but the fact is life has again changed, and March seems a very long way off.
God gave us animals for many reasons, not the least of which is their ability to calm and center our hectic pace. Sitting down at one of our ponds always helps me, and I need to make it a regular part of my routine now.

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you might have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world."

John 16:33

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


There is a new movie out called "UP". I have not seen it yet, my children all gave it positive reviews. The other night I went out to do chores after dark...it has been so warm that sometimes I am willing to brave the random nocturnal, tree-hung spider webs to avoid working in the worst of the heat. I had decided earlier in the day to let the aforementioned Super Mom hen and her kids free, as keeping them in their "chick box" in the barn was just too hot. Chickens know that after dark, "DOWN" is bad and "UP" is good. So this inventive gal found a place to take herself and her offspring "UP!" Occasionally with a frightened peep, one would tumble down, only to clamber back up. Too cute!